Easter Sunday Walk – Part 1

April 21

Sunday was a beautiful day, and since we were going to Jere and Kristen’s for supper, I decided to walk the one mile – but first I stopped to admire some flowers in our yard.

The Red Bud are in full bloom. We planted this tree in memory of Cerwin’s mother.

Pretty tulips that just opened.

The tulips you have now seen several times.

Cherry blossoms in the woodsy part of our yard.

This is the tree we planted in memory of my dad.

The pink dogwood at the end of our driveway.

I am on my way.

The sky was as beautiful as the weather.

The Sunday afternoon clouds were just hanging around enjoying the day.

I turned around to take a broad view of our place.

Look at all the traffic on our road. 🙂

Even the weeds are flowering and making the roadside look pretty.

As I approached the Hershey homestead house – and could only see the original, sandstone part, I began to wonder what it looked like here 200 years ago in the spring of 1819 when they began construction on this house.

We don’t have any details on when they dug out for the foundation, but it probably started this time of the year. How I wish there were pictures.

I will continue my walk in my next post.