Notes from Sunday Worship

Sunday, March 3

Sunday School Superintendent – Leland Litzenberger

Opening thoughts on “Called to Serve”: Sometimes we wonder if serving is worth it. Serving can be chaotic, but maybe your service is helping someone put a piece of life’s puzzle together.

Sunday school – Nevin Ebersole, Teacher

What is temporal and what is eternal? When we are serving God, the temporal should be eternal. God calls us to make a difference.

God is no respecter of persons. We are different. We respect people with status and want to be with them – sit with them.

We must purpose to think and seek the eternal or we will become self-willed and stubborn.

Church – Opening Thoughts – Jim Myer

Jim asked the men to stand and sing “Rise up O Men of God” while the women remained seated – supporting them by humming the tune. I am inspired by the godly men in our church.

God made the rules and His Word is truth. Franklin Graham

Preacher – Carl Groff – 2 Timothy 3

Carl compared this letter of challenge from Paul to Timothy to the story of Josiah in the Old Testament.

Be the real deal. Be sure your life and message say the same thing.

As Christians we should be going from strength to strength. Compromise brings weakness. Weakness and washout keeps us from going from strength to strength.

Our sole purpose for being here is to honor and praise God.

After reading Paul’s letter, Timothy went from being consumed by himself to a man consumed by God – eager to share the Word.

Young King Josiah grew up in a dysfunctional family, but he purposed to serve God and not be hindered by his past and repair the kingdom he served.

What will it take to repair the Church of Jesus Christ? How did the Church lose the Word of God? Much of the damage to the Church of Christ has come from within due to pastors and church members whose lives are not matching God’s message.

It will take more than hammers and saws to repair the Church of Christ.

Opposition is loud, but God’s Word must be our authority.

Revival must come from within by reading and living God’s Word.