Canada Geese & Red-Tailed Hawks

When we were coming home from church the other week, I said, “Oh, look, the Canada Geese are back on the pond.” Then I noticed another pair of birds on the fence.

I wasn’t sure what they were at first, but after closer examination – in my bird book – I concluded that they were red-tailed hawks.

It is not too unusual to see a red-tailed hawk in our area, but I am not aware that I ever saw two at the same time. It must be mating season.

I googled Red-tailed hawks, and learned that they usually mate for life – until the mate dies.

There is usually a pair or two of Canada Geese on the farm pond. By what I read, it is probably the same pair. The second pair probably chose the same pond – maybe because one of them was hatched here.

They also mate for life. I think these two sets of birds could teach humans about the value of commitment and loyalty.