Supper with Our Children

Friday Evening, February 8

Cerwin planned a special 75th birthday supper for me and our children at John J. Jeffries in Lancaster, PA. I told him that I am too old for surprises, so I was forewarned about this supper.

All mothers with grown children know how special it is to have each of your children and their sweethearts sitting around one table. Add to that we had a most amazing waitress (background). She was elegant and delightful – and took the following photo.

Neither the food or the atmosphere would have mattered, but both added to the deep pleasure of my heart as I enjoyed the evening with nine of my favorite people on earth.

After ordering our food, Deb wanted me to open this card. It was a silly one of these animals dancing and singing. 🙂

We enjoyed the chef’s choice appetizer on a porcelain acopa spoon – a delicious tomato soup.

From John J. Jeffries website: Chef Cavanaugh has visited small organic family farms in Lancaster County to source the perfect ingredients for your dining experience. Our Lancaster, Pa. restaurant is the leading consumer of local organic meats and vegetables in Central PA, showing a true commitment to the local economy and healthful food.

They do import some food items from outside of Central PA, but that is very limited.

Bread choices

Several enjoyed tasting the beef empanadas from the plates of those who chose this for their appetizer.

A few got this lobster/shrimp soup for an appetizer and offered samples. It was amazing.

This was Chris’ appetizer. Tuna tartare.

It was fun watching everyone tasting each others food as most of the appetizers were a bit unusual.

Many chose steak or chicken for their entrée. It appears that I only took photos of the steaks.

We also enjoyed their French roast coffee while eating and visiting. The French roast coffee pot took me back to South Africa (11 months ago) when we had one of these in our chalet. I had no idea how to use it, so had coffee grounds in my coffee the first morning. Needless to say, I got directions for the rest of our stay.

This chocolate dessert is dark, rich and yummy.

Peanut butter cheese cake. I am not a fan of peanut butter, so did not taste this, but was assured that it was delicious.

My choice of crème brulee was compliments of the restaurant and came with a candle. The lady you see behind me and her husband were celebrating her 65th birthday.

The candle was on the plate so I just left it burn out.

Our waitress said, “You are dedicated to that candle.” 🙂

Then it was time for the surprise of the evening – Cerwin’s gift to me. 🙂 Some of our children later told me that they could hardly wait for him to give me this note. Look at his very satisfied smile. I also like the look of anticipation on Chris’ face. Deb took the pictures.

I think this is the last thing on my life-wish bucket list. Skydiving! I am going to tandem jump out of an airplane!

I have wanted to do this for years, but since it is not on Cerwin’s bucket list, it is something that never happened. I think there are several other family members who will be jumping too – like Jere, Deb, and Jana. Most of the others say, “No way.” Maybe some will change their minds.

Afterward I said, “I will have to come up with a new bucket list.” Maybe one that is more fitting for an old woman. 🙂

I wanted a few pictures – starting with one of me with our children. This was next to our table, but we decided that the lighting was not good, so went to the lobby of the adjoining hotel.

Our children: Jere, Deb, Diane, and Jeff. The steps were a great place, but we needed a flash which messed with everyone’s glasses. (Did you notice that Jere just got glasses? Jeff says he is next.)

With my “babies” whose ages will be 50, 45, 53, and 55 by the end of 2019 – in the order they are standing.

We added Cerwin to the mix.

The girls

The couples: Mark, Diane, Chris and Jeff. Left back: Deb and Roy. Right back: Kristen and Jere.

My heart was filled to full by the time this evening was over.