Completing My Pre-Birthday Week

Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday – February 6, 7 and 8

I didn’t take any pictures on Day 5 and 6 of my birthday week, partly due to the arrival of Mark and Diane – to help celebrate my 75th birthday.

Diane and Mark arrived late Wednesday evening – after a nine-hour drive from Maine, delivering a load of donated comforters and other items to Christian Aid Ministries (from the church in Maine) and doing a bit of shopping.

On Thursday I did a few things in my office, visited with Mark and Diane, and helped Josiah with preparations to move to his own place. I mostly located boxes while he filled them. 🙂

Friday – the day of my birth – Cerwin, Diane, and Mark sang “Happy Birthday” to me as I walked into the kitchen.

Another morning visitor was my birthday “twin” – our grandson Josh. It is hard to believe that I turned 51 on the day of his birth – and here we are 24 years later wishing each other a happy birthday. Josh, when you are 51, I will be 102. Let’s go for that!

Later in the day. This is making it kind of final – that Josiah is moving out – almost five months after his motorcycle accident and three months after moving to our place for rehab.

That’s his friend Tim (on the truck) helping with the move. I am happy for Josiah and that his life is returning to normal, but we are going to miss him and the extra activity in our house. He went from hopping on one leg with a walker to this – helping load heavy furniture – in just three months.