Christmas Lunch

It is always good to be invited to Jere and Kristen’s for Christmas lunch.

Jere and Kristen delight in setting a pretty table.

Jana made a delicious drink for our appetizer.

I forget what was in the drink, but think it included cranberry and grape juice.

There was more if we wanted refills.

Jere and Kristen putting out the lunch buffet.

This was our group – clockwise – starting with Jesse in orange, Deb, Josiah, Josh, Roy, Jana, Kristen, Jere, Jared, Ian, and Cerwin.

Oh, and there was Colt who had to be satisfied in his cage – not far from the table.

Jesse was pleased to show us his gingerbread house.

We were trying to figure out why his lips were green…

Then remembered he had green sugar on his cup.

Kristen warned Jesse to not eat the cranberries in the glass, because they are sour, but Jesse tried anyway. We didn’t get much of a reaction – other than “Oh, that is sour.”

Cerwin, Deb, Josiah, Roy and I enjoyed visiting while Jere and Kristen put the food away.

The last part of the meal was coffee and cookies.

Thanks Jere and Kristen for the delicious meal.

More about our day in my next post.