The Wedding of Donovan and Diana – Part 1

Saturday Morning, August 25 – The Ceremony

This was the invitation we received earlier in the summer…

…with this photo on the back.

These pretty flowers – arranged by our sister-in-law Dot Hershey – greeted us as we approached the steps at Erb Mennonite Church.

Flowers next to the registration podium – where we received the program for the morning.

The view from our seat on the third row

Diana’s attendants: Lauree, Lily, Daneen, Tam, Jenna and Gloria. (I could not get a good shot of the guys. You will have to wait until the reception.)

Daneen designed the invitations and ceremony cards.

Donovan watching the flower girl and her escorts coming in the aisle.

Here comes the bride – and her dad.

Diana was radiant. Jeff was a bit sober and teary-eyed at the thought of giving his middle daughter to a new man.

The pastor and Donovan’s brother Danon moved the “Sand Ceremony Table” forward during prayer.

I could not see the sand ceremony because of my location behind Donovan, but I was impressed with how the pastor led the ceremony by being the first one to pour sand in the container – symbolizing that Jesus must be the foundation of their marriage. Then in the center and again at the top – each time representing the important role that Christ must play in a successful marriage.

Parent’s prayer

Ring ceremony

Notice the sand container in the background – and the white sand representing Christ at the bottom, middle, and top.

More tomorrow