Gettysburg Make-A-Wish

Sunday, May 6

5:45 am. Waiting in the cab of the chapel tractor while Cerwin did pre-trip checks. (The International Chapel #1 was parked next to us and what looks like light in that cab is the outside light from the shop behind it. 🙂

6:50 am. Arriving at Battlefield Harley-Davidson parking lot in Gettysburg.

One of our first visitors to the chapel.

Visiting a couple outside the chapel.

We have a great parking spot for this event – near the food stands and children’s activities.

Howard Goodwin – York-Adams Chapter contact person – spoke at the 11:00 am devotional time.

We were thrilled to lead one of these people to the Lord when she returned to the chapel several minutes after the service was over. She came on the chapel asking to talk to Howard because she wanted to connect with God.

She doesn’t live far from the area, so we are hoping to get her connected with a local church – maybe Howard and Melissa’s.

It began raining about lunch time.

It was still raining when the convoy of trucks began at 1:00 pm.

Because of the rain, we watched the parade from inside the chapel.

Most did not have a vehicle to protect them from the rain.

The first truck.

The trucks were parked in a few lots beyond the Harley parking lot. We didn’t hear how many truck there were. Someone thought maybe 200.

The rain got progressively worse during the afternoon.

We wait until the race cars behind us leave the parking lot, then we can pull out and head home. That is usually about 4:00 pm. The other vendors also close down about the same time.

The sun was shining through the clouds as we crossed the bridge from York County to Lancaster County.

Getting close to the TFC shop.

It was a rainy – but very good day.