Colors of Summer

Beauty in our yard and the fields surrounding us.

Summer Beauty (1)Begonia

Summer Beauty (2)Corn

Summer Beauty (3)

Summer Beauty (4)Crown Vetch

Summer Beauty (7)

Summer Beauty (8)

Summer Beauty (9)Honeysuckle

Summer Beauty (10)

Summer Beauty (11)I don’t know what this is, but thought it was pretty.

Summer Beauty (12)The mulberry bush is so heavy with berries that this branch is on the ground.

Summer Beauty (13)

Summer Beauty (14)

Summer Beauty (16)Fern

Summer Beauty (17)Mint tea

Summer Beauty (18)Crepe myrtle, daisies, and day lilies

Summer Beauty (19)The day lilies are at their peak right now.

Summer Beauty (21)

Summer Beauty (22)

Summer Beauty (23)

Summer Beauty (20)It is delightful to walk around our yard right now.