An Eagle!

Today, as we were approaching our house – on the way home from taking the TFC pickup to the garage for inspection – Cerwin noticed a bald eagle in the field across from our house.

DSC_4876I didn’t have my camera, but quickly got it and began taking pictures as I walked toward it.

DSC_4878This is only the second time I have seen a bald eagle near our house in the 47 years we have lived here.

DSC_4887My brothers have see some – when working in the fields – so I know they are around.

DSC_4891There was fresh meat – which attracted it to this field.

DSC_4894Maybe it was the one who made the kill.

DSC_4906I took pictures as I slowly walked closer – trying to get on the right side of the sun.

DSC_4915It definitely knew I was there and kept a close eye on me.




DSC_4917At a certain point I could see that it was becoming uneasy and was prepared for it to fly away.

DSC_4918Actually, I was hoping to get some inflight photos.



DSC_4922It came toward the ground and I thought it was going to land again.


DSC_4925But it changed its mind and took off.





DSC_4934Before long it was out of sight.


That was a delightful addition to my day.