Corn Fields

Corn fields have been part of my life as long as I can remember.

1 (1)Here in Pennsylvania our fields are not at large as those in the mid-West, but none-the-less I enjoy watching the corn come up each spring and grow quite tall by late July.

1 (2)I found a plant that was off to the edge of the field and dug up the seed to see what it looked like. I was surprised at how long the roots were already.

1 (3)I am still not quite used to no-till corn, but it doesn’t take real long until the fields look nice and neat.

1 (4)I took the above photos on June 20 – about a week ago.

2I took the rest of the pictures this afternoon.

5-6-26-14 (3)It’s easy to see that the plants are taller and broader.

8-6-26-14 (6)There is only one field that surrounds our property – toward the west – that has alfalfa instead of corn.

9-DSC_2045When I stand in our driveway and look to the south – everything is corn beyond our yard.

7-6-26-14 (5)It won’t be many weeks until we lose our view for the summer, and I look forward to that, because I find it to be restful and peaceful to be surrounded by tall corn.