Harvest Sunday at White Oak Church


Sunday, September 17


We rarely sit in the back of the church – in the overflow section – so I took advantage of getting photos from this area. We sat here because we were leaving early.

I took these photos during opening announcements by our moderator, Dave Wenger.

Singing Count Your Blessings

Audio/Sound guys on duty: Kerwin and Jere.

Sermon by Jon Cassel

One of the highlights of Harvest Sunday is the collection of items for several local charities, including Manheim Food Pantry, Teen Central and those who help single mothers and other nearby food needs. Each charity gives us a list of their needs.

Our own Share the Harvest where local members bring some of their field and garden items to share with the congregation is continuing through this year’s harvest season.

Someone’s chickens must be doing well, because there are many boxes of eggs each week.

Each week there is a nice variety of flowers already in vases.

Outside there was also a sign that this was Harvest Sunday.

Several farmers were asked to bring equipment that is used to harvest their crops.

We left early to prepare The Gathering Place for the celebration of our 60th Wedding Anniversary (tomorrow’s post) so I didn’t get any pictures of people from our congregation looking at the equipment. These are my sister Nancy.

The season of harvest is definitely a reason to set aside a special Sunday to praise God.

We have been having harvest meetings as long as I can remember. They have been gradually updated to include today’s gardening and farming.

My Grandpa Hershey – who was a farmer and preacher in the early to mid-1900s would be amazed at today’s equipment. He started farming with a horses and mules.