New Shingles for Our House – Part 3 of 4


by Rohrer Bros. Residential Enhancements

Rohrer Bros. Residential Enhancements (

Tuesday, April 4


This is how the three Rohrer Brothers (Blaine, Corey and Dustan) occupied their time while waiting on the delivery of shingles. They arrived early and the shingles were a bit later than they expected. 🙂

The shingles were put on the roof in bundles.

The driver used a remote control to put them in place.

When I took this picture, about 2 pm, there were four men on the roof (Corey is on the previous picture.) I first thought it was a brother-in-law who sometimes helps them, but later learned it was their dad, Scott. I think he is the one in the white shirt.

There was still half a day’s work left by the end of the second day.

I will show you the finished roof in my next post.