Our Congregation Just Completed Eight Days of Revival Meetings

There were ten services beginning Sunday morning, March 26 and ending on Sunday Evening, April 2

Evangelist: Dustin Martin – one of our own ministers.

The title for the series was, Searching for Meaning in a Desperate World.

I took my camera along on Friday evening to capture a picture of a children’s story, not knowing that Dustin would preach a sermon that would also be worthy of pictures. 🙂

There was a great children’s story on discipline. Broc asked for volunteers and gave those children some gum and asked them to unwrap it and put it in their mouth, but not to begin chewing it until he was finished with the story – and the story wasn’t short. 🙂

According to hands raised, I think each of the children who had gum in their mouth were able to keep from chewing it. He told each child to come to see him after church for another treat.

Dustin’s sermon title for Friday evening was The Smorgasbord of Life with the point being, making wise choices in life, but it also pertained a bit to food. In this photo he is making a delicious and healthy salad – depicting a strong and healthy spiritual life.

Next, he moved to the left and made a wedge salad – just lettuce, cheese and blue cheese. This was not a bad choice, just a depiction of “fluff” things that are fun and good, but without a lot of spiritual benefit.

His final two choices were on the left side of the pulpit. Here he is putting whipped cream on a pie. This depicted things that may not be good for us spiritually (or physically) especially if that is all we eat. He cautioned against things that may draw us away from God and make us sick spiritually

To the far left was a bottle of poison – representing the things that kill us spiritually and sometimes physically, like drugs and pornography.


A few points from the week of meetings, including the two Sunday School lessons.

Are you satisfied with barely living or are you living abundantly – with goals and accountability?

Are you pressing towared the mark for the prize of the high calling in Christ Jesus?

How many hours a week do you focus on learning more about God – not careless reading, but seriously focusing on God and His will for your life.

Do you spend more time on your profession and becoming better professionally than on your spiritual growth?

Are you radicalized for Jesus – not caring what people think of how you follow God’s call on your life?

Fulfillment is reached through following God’s plan for holy living.

God desires that each person experiences a deep emotional and spiritual relationship with Him.

Idols (things we serve) ask for more and more while giving less and less until eventually they demand everything and give nothing.

When does idolatry start in our heart? It often begins when we are dissatisfied with life. focus on something else and put it before God.

Stubborness takes God out of the driver’s seat and puts you in control.

Mercy is getting less that we deserve. Grace is getting more than we deserve.

You can never be too good or too bad to receive Gods grace and mercy.