An Early Morning Visitor


Tuesday, January 10

4:45 am


Each morning – after getting a coffee cup out of the cupboard – I look out the window to see what is happening at the feeders. On occasion I see a skunk, opossum or raccoon. On this cold morning it was fun to see a nice raccoon eating at a ground feeder. I turned on the patio light to give me a better possibility of getting a good picture.

The ground feeders are where I put old bird seed – especially in summertime when seeds begin to sprout from too much rain and dampness. The skunks, raccoons and opossums are helpful in getting rid of old seed. 🙂

After taking a picture or two, I began playing with settings to see which one gave me the sharpest shot.

This result was from a nighttime setting that changes the photo to black and white.

After a few minutes it was time for it to move on to another place to scavenge for food.

Well that was fun to see before my first cup of coffee.