A Birthday Lunch with Donovan, Diana and Their Boys


Sunday, January 8


Diana (our granddaughter) has been trying to get in her 2022 Birthday meal for several weeks, but it seemed something always hindered it. She and Donovan were doing a lot of local hunting – and did fill their freezer with venison – then there were several Christmas meals. Finally, we made it work after church on Sunday.

She chose Two Cousins Pizza near Manheim.

What fun to have the boys with us.

After the meal arrived, it took only minutes for Waylon to not be satisfied here on the floor. He knew everyone was eating without him.

Bennet was quick to get a French fry from his chicken fingers meal and Waylon enjoyed getting bites from his mom’s meal. He may have had a taste of French fries as well.

Bennet wanted his own photo shoot.

Then it was Waylon’s turn as he tried to climb on Bennett’s back.

Watching these two interact made me think about the interesting bond between siblings. Waylon is only 6 1/2 months old, but certainly knows his brother.

Diana wanted a picture of the boys with us…

…and I wanted a photo of these four – to update the one on our refrigerator.

We kept trying to get Waylon’s attention, so Bennett made sure he was looking at the camera. 🙂

Oh, how we loved spending time with this sweet family.