Jesse’s Birthday Party and Evening Fireworks


Sunday, July 3


“Somebody” accidentally uncovered Jesse’s computer setup before lunch, so Jere and Kristen decided to have him open his gifts before we ate. It had been covered with a blanket.

He was one happy camper. I think he knew about some of the items because he had asked Ian to order them for him.

The pretty table.

It was another day when all 5 of their children were there. Left to right: Cerwin, Jesse, Ian, Kristen, Jere, Jana, Austin, Jared, Yeira and Josh.

I love when the birthday person in this house orders breakfast for lunch.

After lunch we all agreed to wait for cake and ice cream until supper. Some of the kids went places and Cerwin and I went home to relax and give Jere and Kristen time to relax as well. Ian worked on Jesse’s computer (but that ended in disappointment because of something missing.) (I expect it is together by this time.)

I decided to walk to their place since it is only a mile away and it was a pleasant afternoon. Leaving our house. Cerwin came later in the car. He is not a fan of walking.

Turning right onto the next road.

Some beauty along the way.

Continuing on the same road.

An Amish buggy passed me.

They headed the same direction I was going.

Turned left on the next road.

I love fences.

I felt ignored by these five. 🙂

It appeared the horse was waiting for me.

He seemed to like that I stopped to say hi.

Going up Jere and Kristen’s driveway.

A pretty decoration in their yard.

Time for birthday cake and ice cream.

Relaxing until the evening got dark enough for fireworks.

It looks like darkness is going to happen.

We were hearing and seeing fireworks all along the horizon. I wanted to capture one and got it – just to the left of the one in their yard.

Jere is not close to the fireworks, but it was fun capturing his silhouette.

That was a great show, Jere.

Talking to Jere as he stood on their patio and we moved toward the car.

Love a beautiful fireworks celebration.