A Birthday Party at Jeff & Chris’


Sunday Evening, October 24


Following a delicious pizza and layer salad meal, we prepared for a six-person, birthday party.

Zach watches as Nathan and Jenna light candles. Chris and Drake in the background.

Nobody enjoys birthday parties more than Jade – especially when she is included in the celebration.

Getting all the candles ready. Left to right: Gloria, Jeff, Diana, Jordan, Nate, Drake, Dustan, Jenna, Jade.


The birthday people. Jeff (birthday the next day). Diana, Jordan, Nate, Dustan and Jade had birthdays earlier in the summer or fall.

Bennett loved the celebration too – especially the cupcake.

Jade loves blowing out candles.

“Light it again”, she said. Okay, someone said, but just one more time.

Ice cream, yes! Now that I ate the icing from the top of the cupcake.

Then there is sweet Drake who has no idea about birthday parties yet and wonders what all the fuss, gifts and candles is about.

His first birthday candles will be coming up in a few months.