Sunday in Maine


October 3


I enjoyed the view outside Mark and Diane’s living room and kitchen area.

The beautiful hydrangea came with the house they bought several years ago.

There are a few vegetables in their raised garden boxes, but most things are finished for the year.

I love seeing these pretty flowers outside their kitchen window.

It was great to visit their church family and enjoy the morning worship service.

We hadn’t been to Maine since January of 2020 – just before COVID hit our country.

It was especially good to visit Elizabeth – our oldest granddaughter – and her family in the early afternoon and see their new house. The others don’t want their pictures on social media – and that’s okay.

It was the first time we saw Nzeba (their daughter) in person. She was born since we were there and is serious and quiet. She is now 20 months old. Nicodemus is growing so fast. He was 3 earlier this summer and is already bilingual (English and French). He is lively and inquisitive. I had fun reading the book, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, to them. What a cute story.

After supper (back at Mark and Diane’s place) we relaxed and watched the evening church service on Zoom.