Rain and Heat = Crop Growth

It seems like we’ve had tropical weather in southeastern Pennsylvania the past two weeks: heat and high humidity during the day, then thunder storms in the evening.

The corn seems to be growing by the foot every few days.

It is so hot from the afternoon sun that steam is created when the evening rain hits the road.

When the storm is over, we see clear sky again – until the next afternoon or evening.

Photo taken today, July 14

I told Cerwin that I wanted a picture of one of us standing in front of the corn below our yard. He suggested that he take a picture of me since I am rarely on pictures. 🙂 I am five feet, seven inches. Cerwin said the corn was between two and three feet above my head. Some of the corn is starting to tassel. This corn will have tassels in a few days, then we will soon be seeing ears.