

Photos from earlier this spring – April & May


I just learned – from a friend – that Pennsylvania residents are encouraged to not feed birds and to remove feeders for a period of time.

They are trying to do a study on why so many birds are dying.

My first thought was, “Birdseed is probably cleaner than what the birds get in fields and around barns.”

However, as I read more, I understand that they are trying to discourage birds from gathering in feeding areas so a diseased bird doesn’t bring the disease to other birds.

It makes me sad to not feed birds, but I do not want to be part of passing a bird disease around our area.

Notice this male cardinal doesn’t have a tuft on his head like the ones in the other photos. I understand that is from mites and not from a disease. Birds can eat the mites in their feathers, but they can’t reach the top of their heads.

The link: Stop feeding the birds. For now. (

I know from friends and family who have large chicken houses that birds can bring diseases to their chickens.

I have noticed fewer birds this year.

I guess that means I will be bringing in most or all of our feeders for awhile.