After-the-Wedding-Photos of Jere and Kristen


Saturday Evening, June 5


I am posting the following note from our daughter-in-law Kristen’s Facebook page to explain why I took these pictures. This is not my favorite way to take pictures – when someone asks me to do a photoshoot – because I am afraid they won’t be good enough. I prefer candid shots when it is easy to delete any that are not good and nobody cares if they are perfect or not. 🙂

Everything in italics was written by Kristen on her Facebook page. Kristen Zimmerman High.

From Kristen: After our only daughter’s wedding on May 23, I crawled into bed only to review the entire day’s events in my head, realizing that I had not gotten any pictures of just Jere and me. There were lots of family shots but none with my dressed-up, handsome husband.

For several days this really bothered me. Jere went along with my crazy idea, got all dressed up again in his suit and bow tie, I had my hair done again (thanks Jan), put on the dress I wore to Jana and Austin’s wedding, hired a very well-known family photographer to take photos at Jana’s wedding venue. Just the two of us – alone.

I love this man beyond words and could not imagine my life without him – and to not have any pictures of this day was hard to imagine. I will forever cherish this retake day and appreciate the photos Mother and Daddy took of us, on yet another 90 degree afternoon.

I walk away with this lesson: There are no retake days, hours or minutes in real life, so make every minute count and LOVE those in your life. Make every minute count, even if it’s just for a picture. BTW, we were all dressed up and went on a date, (thanks Jan and John – for the strings attached).

We had a great dinner and awesome conversation on our date…♥️♥️

Now you know the story of these pictures. 🙂

These are my favorite of the 195 photos I took. Cerwin took several photos with Jere’s cell phone. Those are the ones she used for her Facebook page.

Because of the fabric, the bottom of her dress picked up grass and other things on the lawn.

Gloria’s goose had enough of us. It was either having a bad day, or we were close to a nest.


Well, that was fun, even though it made me a bit nervous.
