Come Walk Around Our Yard with Me

“You should come outside to see the interesting things that are happening in your yard.”

“You coming or not?”

Oh, wow! There is a Chicken of the Woods mushroom.

I know you can eat these, but I haven’t come to a point of being comfortable making them for us.

I figured if a Chicken of the Woods is growing, the atmosphere outside is right for other mushrooms, so began focusing on the yard around me and was surprised at how many I found and the variety.

There is also an interesting fungus growing on a tree stump.

Cerwin painted a preservative on the loveseat in our memory garden. It looks so much better now.

The crepe myrtle is blooming nicely.

Remember when we cut the daylilies back to almost nothing a few weeks ago. This is what they look like now.

You may also remember when our Maine daughter Diane was here for a week and cut the mint tea back to the ground and made us 80+ quarts of tea syrup for the freezer.

It is ready for another cutting. Diane isn’t here, so I will have to make it by myself this time. šŸ™‚

Leaves falling to the grass remind me that we are deep into summer.

I’m glad I took time to explore our yard.

Don’t miss the beauty around you – things that are easy to overlook or take for granted.