Amish Church Near Us

Sunday, July 25

By now the corn – with tassels – is so tall that I can no longer see the Amish buggies coming up the road by our house. I promise you, there is an Amish family coming through the corn – I can hear the sound of the horse’s hooves.

There they are! Because of our windows and trees in our yard, I have a very short visual area to get a picture of the buggies this time of year.

There I finally got a shot of a full horse and carriage. Because there were so many families going by our house, we were pretty sure that church was at our closest Amish family’s house. The one who owns the squash field in the background of these pictures.

We went by their farm on the way home from church to see all the carriages in their driveway.

This one must be a hunter. πŸ™‚

These are parked closer to the house. The glare came from our car’s front window.

As we pulled into our driveway I noticed our first two crepe myrtle blooms.

I was sitting on our patio chair when this Amish family went home from church.

It was a beautiful day for a buggy ride.