Early Morning Moon

Friday, July 3

This is what I saw at 3:30 am when I walked outside to take in the early morning beauty.

Yes, I know 3:30 am is early, but I love mornings and am often sleeping by 9:00 pm.

A full moon certainly gets your attention on a clear, warm morning when the sky is still dark.

I tried a variety of camera settings to find a photo that looked best.

I liked this setting best, because it typified what I was seeing.

God made two big lights, the larger to take charge of Day, The smaller to be in charge of Night; and he made the stars. God placed them in the heavenly sky to light up Earth And oversee Day and Night, to separate light and dark. God saw that it was good. It was evening, it was morning— Day Four. Genesis 1:16-19 The Message