Morning Coffee on Our Patio

Thursday, July 2

It was a beautiful morning to have coffee and an egg sandwich on our patio.

I took these pictures between 6:35 am and 7:15 am.

My broad view toward the south.

Our two, very tall shellbark trees.

The sky was clear and blue.

Blackbirds and robins were out looking for breakfast.

Several drivers from Mountainside Excavators went by – taking equipment and supplies to a construction location.

A very shiny cattle truck was headed north – probably to pick up a load of animals at a nearby farm.

This stone property line marker is one of the oldest things in my view from the patio chair. A Hershey homestead cornfield is on the south side and Jacob’s butternut squash on the north.

I can see three churches. The first two are just over a mile from our house. To my left is St. Paul (Lutheran).

To my center right is Jerusalem Church (Reformed).

To my far right (about four miles away) is Ruhl’s United Methodist.

The corn is getting so tall that it is beginning to hide the buildings at the homestead.

Vehicles look like they are driving through a large corn field.

Our annuals and perennials are looking healthy from the spring and early summer rains – or our watering the past few weeks, because of little rain.

I planted dill this year so the swallowtail butterflies have a place to lay their eggs.

My dad’s last pair of work shoes have been in this flowerbed since he died in 1997. There is not much left of them, but they will remain here until there is no leather or sole left.

I first thought there was not one cloud in the sky, but then found one.

By the time I went inside, it too was gone.

My view through several birdhouses and feeders.

A few birds were chirping on the overhead powerlines.

If I looked to my far left, at the southeastern corner of our house, I could see the eastern sky where the sun was low on the horizon.

A few more vehicles went by while I finished my coffee.

That is about as busy as it gets on our road during the early morning.