Birthday Party for Jesse

Sunday Lunch, June 28

Jere borrowed our three canopies so we could be on their deck for lunch.

They have lots of “bug protectors”, so our food was safe from flies and bugs before we sat down at the table.

I always enjoy seeing what the children choose for their birthday meal. Jesse chose waffles. Jared made these ahead of time and had them in the oven.

If you wanted them to be really fresh, you could make your own at the two waffle machines. Lydia and Jesse chose that method.

There was sausage and bacon as a side.

Toppings – beside butter and maple syrup – included red raspberries…



I am a fresh fruit person so didn’t try the chocolate – which I expect is Nutella.

This is the photo I took for Jesse’s birthday on June 30.

The crew who enjoyed the birthday lunch: Lydia, Jared, Ian, Cerwin, Kristen, Jere, Diane, Roy, Deb and Jesse.

We enjoyed watching the Sunday afternoon traffic which included a few cars, this Spyder and several Amish carriages.

We were interested in these four Amish young people who were pulling suitcases. Deb said they were probably going someplace to play volley ball or another lawn game. They will not do that in church clothing, so the suitcases probably included casual clothing.

We were particularly fascinated by the light-colored dress worn by the one Amish woman. None of us had ever seen that.

Then it was time for Jesse to receive his gifts – most of which was money or cash cards. The snacks were from us – just a token gift until we can take him out for a meal.

Because most people gave him money, they looked for cute cards.

His birthday cake

Singing “Happy Birthday”

Our youngest grandchild is now officially a teenager.