Ants and Cherry Blossoms

Thursday, May 7

The day after doing the first patio cleanup of the season, I noticed several large anthills. I guess they didn’t like that I got a lot of water in their under-the-patio house.

I asked Cerwin if he still had ant poison. The day after he sprinkled it around the ant hills I went out to see if there were any ants – and noticed a cherry blossom moving across the area. 🙂

Consequently I sat on the patio for the next ten minutes watching a few industrious ants moving cherry blossoms.

It was quite a job for them because it was breezy.

Every now and then the breeze flipped a petal and the ant went with it.

After getting back on his legs, he began moving the petal again.

Another one on its back.

They are so amazing. Sometimes the breeze took an ant and petal a foot or more and it had to retrace his steps to his goal.

What fun to watch these industrious little critters – even though I don’t want them building ant hills on our patio.