Monday Evening Worship

March 30

Our church had planned an eight-day-long series of revival services. Instead we are enjoying modified services via Zoom.

Opening thoughts by Jon Cassel. “With this new way of life we have new opportunities and new concerns.”

Children’s Story – Mark Bucher – Evangelist from Maine. This maple syrup bucket – holds about 2 ½ gallon of syrup. The glass of water represents what maple syrup looks like before it is boiled down into syrup. There is almost no taste until heat is applied.

One bucket full of sap – after boiled down – equals about one jar of delicious syrup.

This small bowl of popcorn kernels is inedible until heat is applied.

We sometimes want God to turn off the heat in our lives, but he may be boiling us down into something sweet or he may be using the heat to expand our lives.

When Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were thrown into the fiery furnace, the only thing that burned was the ropes that bound them. (Daniel 3:25) “I see four men, unbound, walking around in the fire, and they aren’t even hurt by the flames! And the fourth looks like a god!”

Sometimes God uses heat (pressure in our lives) to burn away the things that bind us.

Heat is not enjoyable, but God knows just how long to allow it in our lives.

Message: We are not in one place – but it is good that we can meet in “one place” – in the Spirit of God.

In this world there are too many people who do not feel accepted. How does that happen?

We want to make it easy for our children to accept Christ into their lives and feel accepted, but the day comes when they have to “get it” and make their own way with God and in life.

Satan loves to hinder our walk with the Lord.

To the degree that God loves us – Satan hates us.

God is sovereign. His grace is sufficient. Sufficient for you. For me. For our children and our grandchildren.

God loves us and will never forget us.

He even inscribes our name on His hands. Isaiah 49:16 “I have engraved you on the palms of my hands.” (This originally applied to Israel – but from scripture we can know that God knows and loves us personally.) Forever.

Oh, the joy of being reconciled to God and knowing that our sins are forgiven.

Closing thoughts – Jon Cassel – reminded us of the next Zoom service and who to contact if we have any needs or prayer requests.