Financial Seminar at Our Church

Saturday, February 29

The seminar was provided by AF Stewardship Resources who give seminars that focus on basic Biblical and financial principles to help you honor the Lord with your finances.

Cerwin and I were in charge of the welcome and registration tables. Carl and Shirley Martin helped at the other table. (I didn’t think about taking a picture of them.) 🙁

Our tables included registration forms, name tags, books with the seminar program & notes, and individual handouts from speakers.

The kitchen committee provided water, coffee, and snacks throughout the day – which we also kept an eye on in case something needed to be refilled.

We were at a great spot to meet most of the people who attended. Our records showed that 176 people registered. There were some who did not register, nor did the kitchen workers or most speakers – so I expect our attendance for the day was close to 200.

When I combined registration forms, they showed that 18 churches were represented and one person who did not have a church home. Our team was pleased with the response.

The morning sessions were in the church sanctuary.

Jon Cassel (one of our ministers) was a force in making this day happen and was the MC for the day.

Jason Sensenig (seated) was part of the visiting finance team and gave the opening information and thoughts.

Jason is Family Finance Administrator for AF. He is from Tyrone, PA, and a minister at Tyrone Mennonite Church. His responsibilities include administrating seminars and helping with seminar teaching and resource development.

Mark Anthony Peachey led the first session on Giving and Brotherhood.

He serves as an Anabaptist Foundation caseworker to facilitate charitable giving and oversees the Charitable Solicitation Registration program which helps ministries and non-profits stay compliant with state solicitation laws. Mark Anthony is a regular teacher at the Family Finance and Budgeting Seminars and works from his home in McVeytown, PA.

Everything is a gift from God.

God is Love. Man is selfish.

God is more interested in YOU than your money.

Give Responsibly.

Don’t give to telemarketers

Don’t give to an unknown cause without investigating.

Disasters create a need, but also an opportunity for swindlers.

Giving with right motives and attitudes brings joy and blessings to both giver and receiver.

Our second speaker was Floyd Miller.

He serves as Anabaptist Financial Office Manager at the main AF office in Lewisburg, PA, which facilitates the loans and investments. Floyd assists with teaching the Young Family Finance and Budgeting Seminars as time allows.

Proverbs 21:20: There is treasure to be desired and oil in the dwelling of the wise; but a foolish man spendeth it up.

The borrower is servant to the lender. Proverbs 22:7

Debt should be a last resort.

Debt tends to become a cycle and causes worry and stress.

Many times financial problems and relational issues go together.

It is easy to get in debt. Just spend more than you earn.

Getting out of debt is simply mind over matter. A mental game.

His second seminar was on saving and investing.

Why save?

Ability to help others.

For lean seasons; seasonal expenses; taxes; replacement cycles of equipment, vehicles, etc.

When investing money, make sure you know what your money is doing. Without research you could be supporting sinful activities.

There are three great assets to saving, investing and living wisely.

1. A lifestyle of contentment

2. A low debt load

3. An emergency fund

More ever it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful [with God’s stuff]. 1 Corinthians 4:2

Singing before lunch

I didn’t take any lunch pictures. Our kitchen committee provided delicious sausage sandwiches, macaroni salad, fruit salad, chips, chocolate chip cookies and a variety of drinks (tea, lemonade, and water).

Following lunch, each person chose one of two breakout sessions.

Those in the sanctuary were instructed by Nevin Beiler on Why, When, and How of Wills and Trusts. This audience attracted older and retired adults.

Nevin is an attorney licensed to practice law in Pennsylvania. He has his own law practice and works primarily in the area of wills and trusts, settling estates, business formations and agreements, and nonprofit organizations.

The foundation of Estate Planning is caring for others.

Estate planning can provide support for the vulnerable and needy or disabled children, support for Christian missions, appropriate gifts to grown children.

There were a lot of great details that were helpful for those interested in wills, trusts and estate planning.

Good estate planning helps you demonstrate love to your family and good stewardship of what God has entrusted to you.

The final session in the sanctuary was taught by Dr. Joel Yeager on Medical Decisions and Wise Stewardship for End-of-Life Medical Care.

Dr. Yeager is a board-certified family physician who practices in rural Pennsylvania. He and his wife (pictured above in front of their home and office) have done clinical rotations throughout England, Scotland, Uganda, and the USA.

Together they own and practice at Heritage Family Health in Newmanstown, PA. He is the author of Transforming Healthcare Together: A Model for Restoring the Covenant of Trust.

Take care of your body – you are the temple of the Holy Spirit.

If you do not take good care of your body, you can make the quality of your life very poor.

He gave many good points on being wise in life and in preparing for death. A living will and durable health care power of attorney form was included in our notes.

Meanwhile, Rod Martin taught both afternoon sessions in the fellowship hall. His subject: Budgeting.

He is a salesman for Martin Water Conditioning and teaches the financial classes at Ebenezer Discipleship Ministries, Engaged Couples Weekends and assists as needed in teaching Young Family Finance and Budgeting seminars.

This subject attracted the young people and young couples.

I did not attend this seminar, but found a few notes in our notebook. The first session was on making a personal financial statement and estimating income.

A guideline budget can only be used as a suggestion. Each family will have unique opportunities and circumstances that a guideline budget cannot consider.

The second session included reviewing a guideline budget and determining your monthly family budget.

Thank you to AF Stewardship Resources for great teaching that was filled with Godly wisdom.

Our church’s Financial Bible Conference ended on Sunday morning. Those notes are in an earlier post because I usually post Notes from Sunday Worship each Tuesday or Wednesday. If interested, close this post then scroll down to that subject.