Notes from Sunday Worship

Sunday, October, 6

Sunday school – Teacher: Kevin Longenecker – Obedient Faith

What is obedience? To carry out instructions.

Is obedient faith different from faithful obedience? Think about that.

Why do we obey – God, government, employer, parents? Consequences

Obeying God’s instructions brings freedom.

Worship – Preacher: Sam Cassel – John 8:1-20

Opening Devotions: Dustin Martin – He read a few verses from Psalm 104. The beauty and poetry of verse 3 captured my attention. God walks on the wings of the wind.

Setting for John 8:1-20: Jesus moved from the Mount of Olives to the temple where he was tempted by the scribes and Pharisees with the woman caught in adultery.

There is no sin that God does not hate.

God doesn’t care if you steal a pencil or if you steal a car.

He hates sin.

God loves a sinner more than he hates sin.

Jesus could have stoned the woman, but he saw her heart.

In creation we see God’s power – in his crucifixion we see God’s love.

God cannot help us if we do not respond to His plan of salvation. How can we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?

Jesus is our Light – our illumination and our energy.

How much time do you spend looking to Jesus for Light.

Closing: Because Sam Cassel is mostly retired as a preacher and only does so on occasion, Dave Wenger reminded us that Sam has been preaching for 57 years. I forgot that Sam was preaching before I got married (we aren’t a lot different in age) and talked to him after the service. He said he was called to preach when he and Miriam were married three months.