Brethren Disaster Relief Auction – Heifer Auction

Friday, September – 11:00 AM

Getting photos for the BDRA committee is a delightful project for me – partly because it gets me away from my daily routine. Having done this for several years, I am always challenged to get something different from the year before.

The Heifer Auction is usually my first project, because it is one of the first official happenings of the weekend.

These pretty animals have no idea that their life is about to change a bit as they are going to be sold to a new owner.

The business end of the deal is capably handled by Bachman Auctioneer.

The auction begins at 11 AM – following prayer and a few introductory comments – reminding bidders that the proceeds will go to Brethren Disaster Relief.

What fun to capture part of another Heifer Auction.