Notes from Sunday Worship

Sunday, September 29

Sunday School – Teacher: John Diffenderfer – Faithful in Consequences – Numbers 14:10b-20

We all face the law of sowing and reaping. Good or bad.

God is faithful – He can handle anything we face.

There are consequences for disobeying God.

There are consequences for obeying God.

He is faithful in bringing the consequences He promises. Good or bad.

Worship – Preacher – Dustin Martin – Scripture: John 7:32-53

Who is this man Jesus?

What is in a name?

Jesus (Yeshua) means salvation.

Christ means messiah.

Messiah means anointed one.

Only those who believe and have experienced His transforming power can explain who Jesus is.

How is Jesus different from any other king?

He is accessible.

He wants a relationship with each person.

How well do you know Jesus? Is He your friend or is He just someone you go to church with?