Sunday Afternoon Walk

June 2

It was a relaxing Sunday for me, so just before 4 pm I decided to walk around the block – a two-mile commitment.

The cattle at the farm are grazing in tall grass. They were not allowed in this section of pasture until after the meadow wedding the other week.

The first turn put me on a southwestern trek. When I was a girl, this was a dirt road. The area (just as I turned right) consisted of clay soil that was fun to use in creating mud pies and cookies or crude pottery.

I walked by the dairy barn for a bit of change to this route.

These ladies were enjoying supper, but stopped to watch me.

There were wild strawberries here when I was a girl – and they are still growing 70-plus years later.

How refreshing to hear the church bells playing across our valley – Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.

I was glad to see healthy milkweed – meaning the Monarch butterflies have a place to lay their eggs.

The corn is growing nicely in this field.

It appeared to be quiet at Jere and Kristen’s house.

Loved seeing these old chicken nests used for decoration at the next farm.

After half a mile, I made my second turn and was now headed north toward the mountain.

I met a neighbor boy on a skateboard. He asked about my camera and showed his to me. He said he was looking for something pretty to photograph. He introduced himself as Elijah (or was it Elisha). I told him that my name is Doris. As we went our separate ways, he said, “Have a nice day Miss Doris.” Oh how I love polite young people.

I expected to see a few horses here and was not disappointed.

This one gave me a welcome neigh.

An Amish farm

Another view of the same farm

An Amish home

I turned right and headed east as I approached this barn. Another half mile completed.

A mailbox sign said this was a drop-in graduation party.

Looking back on the same party.

Goats at the next Amish farm.

A Canada goose crossed the road as I approached the barn.

Looking back toward their garden and two horses in the pasture.

If I looked to my right, I could see the church on the hill whose bells were tolling Jesus Loves Me at bit earlier.

I could hear the Pennsylvania Turnpike on my left. If you look closely – just to the left of center – you can see a white truck heading west.

Pretty flowers at a neighbor’s mailbox

I am on the last leg of the walk and can see the north side of our house.

Then it was time for a glass of mint garden tea.