Anthony & Great-Grandpa

Monday, December 31

Anthony was at our place for about an hour-and-a-half the other morning and when I asked what he wanted to do, he replied that he wanted to watch “his kids” on TV with grandpa.

That means he wanted to watch the Baby Channel. He likes some of those shows, but is gradually outgrowing many of them, I like it because it teaches numbers, letters, and words.

I can never remember the channel number so go to Channel 300 and work my way through the children’s programs until I find it. During that process, I came to this one, and Anthony said, “Stop, I want to see this.”

It captured his attention for the next hour – and Grandpa even enjoyed it because of the interesting equipment. Notice Anthony’s snack was nearby.

While they watched this, I did laundry and worked in my office.