Update on Josiah

Sunday Evening, October 11

Josiah has settled into his room (formerly the man cave) in our house quite well and is enjoying frequent visitors. On the day of this picture, his visitor was Phil Rogers. It is eleven days since he was discharged from Reading Hospital and Reading Rehab.

Earlier this week Diane (his mom) and Lydia (sister) decided he and they needed to soak their feet in eucalyptus Epson salt.

They weren’t there very long before Rod (our niece Dorretta’s husband) stopped in to see how Josiah is doing. Rod was coming from rehab following knee replacement surgery. He and Lydia work for the same hospital – she is a cook and he is in maintenance – mostly moving equipment.

Many of you like to see and hear what is happening to his damaged leg. I didn’t post pictures of it when it was raw flesh, but now that the skin grafting is finished, it doesn’t look quite as bad. This damage was from when he hit (and broke the telephone pole). The skin and tissue died from lack of blood, so all this tissue was removed in the early weeks following the accident (September 14)

I took these pictures in the surgeon’s office this week when Diane and I were learning how to dress the skin grafted area.

I am grateful that Diane has been able to stay with us during the early days following his hospital discharge.

This is his skin donor leg which is also healing nicely.

Lydia and their mutual friend Carrie came one evening to play cards with him.

Josiah’s friends Dan and Emily and their friend Amanda and their children came to visit this afternoon. We are grateful that Jere and Kristen located a wheelchair for Josiah so he can be comfortable at a table.

The adults played Quirke while the children went through our toy baskets.

OOther visitors this week were: Elvin (Cerwin’s brother), a visiting nurse, a physical therapist, an occupational therapist, Josiah’s sister Abby, her husband, Nathaniel, and their little guy Anthony, Lisa Ebersole and some of their children, Tim and Matt Heffley, Jeff and Chris, Jere, Kristen, Josh, Jana, Ian, Jared, and Jesse.

We are grateful to God for sparing Josiah’s life, for healing, and that he can be with us during this period of healing.