Update on Josiah

Sunday Afternoon, October 21

We had an appointment with a rehab specialist at Reading Rehabilitation Hospital on Sunday afternoon to see if Josiah can transfer from his walker to one of our vehicles.

We took our van because the doors are larger – making it easier for him than our RAV4.

He went through the process twice and did a great job both times.

Going back to his wheelchair. He cannot put weight on his right leg so he has perfected a kind of hop when using his walker.

Going back to the inside of the rehab center.

The therapist put him through a few maneuvers with his right foot and ankle to loosen the tendons and muscles. One thing he had to do was “write” the ABCs with his foot.

Current plans are that he will be in rehab until October 30 – when he will go back to Reading Hospital for skin grafting. After the doctors are satisfied with the skin grafting, he will come to our house for continuing rehab and healing.

We are looking forward to the challenge of helping him get back to a point when he can return to his normal independent life.