There is Rarely a Year That I Don’t Have Geraniums

From the Internet: Geranium, also known as crane’s bill, can be found throughout the world, but are native to the temperate climate of South Africa. The common name “cranesbill” refers to the seed capsule that looks like a crane’s bill. The beak-like column will burst open when ripe and casts the seeds over a distance.

Geraniums range in height, growing anywhere from 6 inches tall to 3-4 feet tall.

They are popular garden plants, grown for their attractive, showy flowers that come in red, white, pink, purple or blue. 

The foliage is typically green, but there are varieties with red, yellow and orange leaves. They will bloom from late spring to the first frost.

Geraniums are easy to grow, hardy and reliable! Most varieties do best in full sun. They will grow in just about any type of soil and don’t require frequent watering. Be sure to deadhead to encourage fuller and more frequent blooms.

Geranium essential oil can be used as a deodorant, tonic, and diuretic. It may even be able to reduce the appearance of scars and other spots on the skin. Geranium essential oil has been used in making artificial rose oil in perfumes. There is a variety of geraniums that smells like citronella, which can repel mosquitoes. Geranium leaves can be used to make tea.


Well that is a lot of information that I didn’t know.