Eating Out With Jesse for His Birthday

Saturday, June 30

Since we had an open evening and it was Jesse’s eleventh birthday, we called to see if he wanted to go out for his birthday. We chose Gus’s because they serve breakfast all day long. Jesse wanted chocolate chip pancakes.

Focusing on his milk shake.

Focusing on Jesse

Our evening breakfast

Our waitress placed Jesse’s free birthday cake on the table while she and half a dozen other waitresses sang “Happy Birthday” to him.

One of the waitresses asked if she could take a picture of all three of us. Notice our take home containers. 🙂 We all took our leftovers home.

Jesse wanted $.50 to try to get candy out of this machine. It was his birthday, so we said yes. 🙂

He got a box of candy sticks. They were rather sugary and tasteless.

The view of the restaurant from our car. This side of the restaurant looked beautiful in the evening sun.

Our table was just inside the hanging flower on the right.

From here we went to Fox Meadows Creamery for some ice cream (to take home). Jesse wanted a whoopie pie and cake pop.

What fun to spend an evening with him. I almost wish he wasn’t growing up so fast – but that is life – and we do want him to grow up.