Lancaster Make-A-Wish

Sunday, May 13 – Mother’s Day

It was a cool, foggy morning as we traveled from TFC’s headquarters office near Marietta to Burle Industries near Lancaster.

We arrived at Burle Industries about 7:00 am and waited a bit behind several other trucks before we could enter the parking lot. (Notice the reflection of the chapel’s cross in the shiny back doors of the truck ahead of us.)

After the chapel was set up, Chaplain Jake’s wife, Jane, and their friend Jon practiced for leading singing in the upcoming devotionals. 10:00 am and 11:00 am.

Cerwin visiting with Marlin a longtime friend.

Chaplains Bob and Jake with drivers.

We are grateful to the Make-A-Wish staff who give us a great parking spot. It was fun to meet a parking lady who recognized us as we entered the lot – see the big smile on her face, a thumbs up, then pointing us to our spot.

Red, white, and blue trucks parked next to the chapel.

There were 30 people in the first service. If you can’t find 30 people, there are 6 in the living quarters and 3 or 4 behind the camera. There are also children sitting on parents laps. That is a full chapel.

Jon, Jane, and Jake leading singing.

There were 20 in the second service.

Chaplain Jake speaking during the second service.

This cute little guy captured my attention as he maneuvered his way toward a big rig. I expect he may have been a Make A Wish child.

Someone – probably his dad – seemed to be explaining something to him.

It began raining just before noon. The guys waited for a break in the heavy rain before removing the steps. I took this picture while waiting in the cab.

This clown braved the rain with his stuffed monkey.

Preparing to go to the onlookers for donations.

Rain in the rearview mirror.

Having fun with a miniature truck

I am fascinated with reflections, so the rain puddles gave me a chance to take some pictures.

Inge (Highway News editor) came to see the convoy of trucks.

The beginning of the parade.

Our friends Marv and Fay were in the second truck.

Leaving the parking lot

Clowns out gathering donations

The onlooker crowd was much smaller this year because of the cool, rainy weather – probably one-third of a usual crowd. But those who were watching were quite enthusiastic.

This is a popular event for the Amish.

I was surprised to see Donovan and Diana – our granddaughter and her soon-to-be-husband.

Entering downtown Ephrata

The end of the parade route

These people were watching the trucks returning to Lancaster.

A view of the trucks ahead of us

We met the trucks that were behind us – entering Akron.

The returning trucks meeting the end of the parade.

The first truck left Burle Industries at 1:30 pm. We met the last truck at 3:00 pm.

This Make-A-Wish truck was pulled off to the side of the road – probably waiting for someone.

We didn’t hear how many trucks were entered in the convoy. I expect it was something like 500.


It was a delightful, fun, fulfilling – rainy day.