South Africa – Day 10 – Holy Family Care Center – Part 2

Friday Afternoon, March 9

Jana brought a lot of small bottles of fingernail polish – which was a hit with the girls – and a few boys.

They all wanted me to take pictures.

Josh and two boys in conversation

Enjoying playground balls

Oh, no! A ball got stuck high in a tree branch.

Jere with a friend who attached herself to him.

A fruity ice pop – a treat from a local business.

Gathering together to introduce themselves to us and sing a few songs.

Notice: Jesse sat with his new friends and not with his family. 🙂

That made my heart smile. His best friend of the day was the boy in green. He was fairly new to the home and didn’t know his age or his name. He called himself, Forget.

After the treat, introductions and song, our boys determined to retrieve the ball that was stuck in the tree.

Jared determined that he couldn’t reach it.

This boy was trying to sneak up on Jared and surprise him! 🙂

Josh, Forget, and a little girl trying to retrieve the ball with a long piece of pipe. It didn’t reach.

Someone brought a short stepladder, so Jere, Kristen, Jared and Ian held him and the ladder while Josh tried the piece of pipe again. So close, but it didn’t work.

The boy on the left thought there was a taller ladder in a storage shed, so guided Josh to the shed. I wrote his name as Caraba, but I am not sure that is correct. You can see by his body that he is not well – due to HIV.

That ladder worked – and the ball was rescued.

Cerwin playing ball with Forget and a young girl.

Kristen and Sister Jeanne

Sister Jeanne

Sister Sally

Both women told me that this is what they were born to do – and they do it patiently and lovingly day after day after day.

Our hearts stayed there. This is how Jesse and Forget spent much of their time together.

Jana and several girls.

I was honored when Sister Sally asked me to pray for them.

Saying our goodbyes. They sang to us and followed us to the van. It was so difficult to leave – and our hearts did stay behind.

Thanks to everyone who sent/gave donations to Jere and Kristen that made it possible for us to take several suitcases of supplies, plus the 50 pair of shoes and packs of socks we gave them for school.

There were animals in the lane as we left. It appeared that the farmer was putting them inside the fence for the night.

Workers heading home for the evening

I never tired of seeing the rhinos as we entered Phil and Kates long driveway.

There were a few guinea fowl running on the driveway.


A beautiful moth was my last photo for this amazing day.