South Africa – Day 8 – Afternoon

Wednesday Afternoon, March 7

As we drove out the lane after brunch, we were pleased to see several waterbuck grazing with the rhinos. We learned to know their identity because of the marking on their butt. It looks like they sat on a painted toilet. 🙂

I like this picture because of the rhino ears.

A nyala in the background

We traveled a new road where we saw some large agriculture farming. This was a large cornfield.

Zebra are also a fun animal to watch as they are a bit curious.

When Zebra are grazing, it is usual to see them facing in two different directions – helping to keep them safe from predators.

We wanted Jesse to stand beside a termite hill to give you an idea of the height of the hill.

A sable in the distance.

We visited an old graveyard that fascinates Kate.

Many of the graves were from the early 1900s.

When a family could not afford a headstone, this is how the grave was marked.

This was our first sighting of an ostrich.


Our next stop was to see a very large Baobab tree that is said to be 2,000 years old. I will tell you about that tomorrow.