Doing a Project to Represent Our Church

Sunday, November 29

Worship (1)Our Elder-in-Charge (David Wenger) asked if I could find two photos that describe our congregation – for a district meeting in 2016 – and submit them to the person who asked for them.

You may be surprised to know that I have a lot more than two. 🙂 However, I didn’t have one of morning worship, so while Cerwin was away hunting, I sat on the balcony to see if I could capture a satisfactory picture.

Worship (2)Singing during opening devotions.

If I had been the only person on the balcony, I may have tried to be more creative, but since there were quite a few people up there, I stayed put in my seat – trying to not be distractive.

Worship (3)Dave was the preacher on duty for the morning.

Worship (4)

Worship (5)Benediction

Worship (6)Heading home following the service.


The next two pictures are what I submitted for district meeting.

Worship (7)

Worship (8)It is difficult to find only two pictures that describe our church – even when using a collage. Special thanks to Nate Minnich for the Manheim Project photos.

There was no room for Bible school, youth activities, prayer meeting, small groups, Christmas caroling, evening worship, love feast/communion, Sunday school class activities, cleaning, mowing yard, snow removal, sewing circle, bulletin setup and printing, our official board (preachers and deacons), upkeep and repair (new bench cushions were installed about a week ago), plus all the day-to-day personal ministry that goes on in my favorite congregation.