Supper At RD’s

Saturday Evening, May 31

1Mason, Melanie, Jess, Deb, Roy, Cerwin, and Sterling.

We enjoyed great conversation and food. I didn’t realize that Hunter was not in the picture, but you will see him later.

Roy and Deb asked if we wanted to join them and Sterling and Mel’s family at RD’s on Saturday night. Since we had nothing to do, a gift certificate for RD’s, hadn’t seen Sterling, Mel, and their children for awhile, and they were going to Roy and Deb’s to see the animals afterward ~ we took them up on their offer. Some of the animals will soon be returned to nature or to a new family, so it seemed a good time to go there as well.

DSC_0746The last time we were here Roy’s sister chose this peach dessert, so I decided that this is what I would get the next time we ate here.

DSC_0752This is another dessert (berry parfait) that I want to try sometime.

DSC_0753This is how Hunter felt about his dessert.

DSC_0754I tried multiple times to get a picture of Jess with her eyes open, but each time the flash went off she closed her eyes. 🙂

DSC_0768Deb suggested that I try with the flash turned off to prove to people that she has eyes. 🙂

DSC_0770Annie Oakley ~ the prairie dog ~ is happiest when chewing up newspaper.


DSC_0772Bucky and Batman are good friends.

DSC_0774Eating supper

DSC_0775Kissing Deb

DSC_0778Sucking on Deb’s ear.

DSC_0799Next-door-neighbor Dianna, loves the animals and is Deb’s backup when she needs assistance.

DSC_0797Bucky is growing and healthy ~ and of course loves to be outside.




DSC_0815With Roy

DSC_0825When he is loose in the house, he loves to lay on a towel at Deb’s feet ~ under her desk.

DSC_0820Deb also has two tiny kittens who will soon go to a new home. I think this is Copper. The other one is Sparky, but her strips are not quite as distinct as Coppers.


DSC_0831I found Keebler the skunk under a bed.

DSC_0845Digger the groundhog will soon be ready for release.

DSC_0840Jim, the possum, is also growing and healthy and about ready to go back to his natural habitat.

DSC_0833They have tried to release Skippi Rae, but she just does not like the big scary outside.

DSC_0838Did you ever kiss a groundhog? 🙂

We had a great evening.