Hershey Family Easter ~ Food & Fun

Supper was ready promptly at 5:00 p.m. ~ after the egg hunt.

2 Easter (4)Prayer

2 Easter (3)I always find it amazing to see our beautiful, delicious layout when every couple brings one large dish.

2 Easter (6)We always make sure there are kid-friendly things like macaroni and cheese, chips, pretzels, and finger Jell-O.

2 Easter (5)There were also mini ham and cheese sandwiches and relishes (pickles, olives, red beet eggs).

2 Easter (1)A delicious salad.

2 Easter (2)A wonderful fruit tray.

2 Easter (7)Yummy and beautifully decorated cupcakes

2 Easter (8)Mud pudding

2 Easter (9)Delicious cream cheese delights.

2 Easter (10)After supper I enjoyed watching the little ones play ~ especially Lucy who was fascinated with the birdseed.

2 Easter (11)She especially enjoyed putting it in the birdbath and stirring it into the water.

2 Easter (12)When she saw me with the camera, she thought she was in trouble. 🙂

2 Easter (13)Big sister tried to stop her, and her mamma was going to make her get away from the birdbath, but I said, “Let her play.”

I was once a little girl who loved to do things like this ~ and further more, I could clean up the next day, and the birds would take care of the rest.

2 Easter (18)Bella also enjoyed taking birdseed from one feeder and placing it in another.

2 Easter (19)

2 Easter (14)Deb brought a newly rescued baby squirrel ~ which the little ones loved.

2 Easter (15)

2 Easter (16)

2 Easter (20)Brenda holding our two Lincolns. The one on the right his her grandson, the one on the left is a great-nephew.

2 Easter (21)Our three “L” babies ~ Lucy Groff, Lincoln Hershey, and Lincoln Weaver with their mama’s, Lucy’s grandma, and their great-grandma. We were pleased that Lincoln Hershey and his mama, Hillary (back) could be here from Arkansas ~ the reason we chose this date.

It was an evening that blessed me with a satisfied mind.