First Worship Service In The Hudson Chapel

Sunday, December 8

1We were glad for a warm chapel on this frigid (about zero degrees) Sunday morning.

2This is the view of the chapel from the truck stop restaurant.

3 (1)Chaplain Tim worked until a bit after midnight to get the interior of the chapel ready for Sunday morning. He was doing the kind of organization that only he knew where he wanted to place things.

3 (2)Cerwin and I helped him do the final set up on Sunday morning – sweeping the floor, setting up the chairs, and cleaning the door window.

3 (3)A stack of Highway News that is ready to give to drivers as Tim walks the lot and goes through the truck stop inviting them to morning worship.

3 (4)At 11:00 there were two drivers, us, and Tim’s family.

4By the time introductions were over, we were joined by a volunteer chaplain and another driver. Another local person (one who helped with the set up the day before) came after these pictures.

After I took this picture, one of the men asked why I was taking the pictures from the back. I said, “Because I have to get your signed permission if the pictures show your face. They all said, “We will do that!”

5Here they are, those who came to the chapel on the first Sunday.

Tim shared a challenging Christmas message:

Christmas is as we make it.

Jesus is our gift from God – a living gift that keeps on giving.

Matthew 11:28-30 – I give you rest.

John 6:33 – I give you life.

John 14:27 – I give you peace.