We Did a Fun Photoshoot Today
Our daughter Deb set this up – using our nephew Jason’s truck. Lots more photos in a few days.
Rest in the Lord and be willing to wait for Him. Psalm 37:7 (NLV)
Our daughter Deb set this up – using our nephew Jason’s truck. Lots more photos in a few days.
~~~ Friday, September 16 ~~~ During this walk, I purposed to stop and look more closely at things along the road and in our yard. I noticed a very sorry looking milkweed plant and because Monarch caterpillars love milkweed leaves, I looked more closely. Sure enough there were two who were eating every piece of […]
~~~ Sunday, September 25 ~~~ This is the bouquet we chose at the Share the Harvest table at church on Sunday morning. I love what Mary Kathryn is using as the flowers in her garden are winding down for the season. This one includes mint. The other side.
~~~ Lunch at Yoder’s on Tuesday, September 20 ~~~ Cerwin’s sister Velda called a few days earlier to see if we wanted to join them and Lowell and Elaine when they met at Yoder’s Restaurant to celebrate their birthdays. Yes! It suited us. We hadn’t seen Lowell and Elaine for a couple of years. Today […]
~~~ Friday, September 16 4:10 pm ~~~ The beautiful late afternoon called me to go outside with my camera. This cornfield is just below our house and along the road where I walk on nice afternoons. The corn tassels have done their job and produced the pollen that encourages the growth and ripening of the […]
~~~ Sunday Evening, September 18 5 pm ~~~ We got there just about 5 pm which was the arrival time for the meal at LAMS (Lititz Area Mennonite School) and watched as people arrived and arranged the hot food, salads and desserts in their proper place. Several watched from the stage (right) as more and […]
~~~ Saturday, September 17 ~~~ Jere came over in the early afternoon to give us cheesecake that Kristen made for our anniversary a few days earlier. Two slices were vanilla and the other two were raspberry. I told Cerwin to not touch it before I got a photo. If you think you have tasted […]
(12) Jere High | Facebook We love you! Daddy and Mother
~~~ Friday, September 16 4:25 pm ~~~ While walking around the yard I noticed this caterpillar on our driveway who was focused on going somewhere. It didn’t seem bothered that I was nearby. It kept on moving toward its goal. I should have followed it to see where it was going in such a hurry.
~~~ Sunday, September 18 2:00 pm ~~~ For those who read my blog and are trying to figure out how Ashlea fits into our life, she in our great niece – a granddaughter of my sister Nancy and her husband Marlin. Her parents are Larry and Karen who own the homestead next to us. Her […]
~~~ September 18 ~~~ Because we have been blessed by those who brought fresh garden or field items to church for sharing, we waited until it was time to go home this week before checking out the “Share the Harvest” table in the fellowship hall. This beautiful bouquet was still there, so we brought it […]
~~~ Wednesday Afternoon September 14 3:28 PM ~~~ I haven’t seen many mushrooms this summer – probably because it has been so dry. These surfaced after our 3″ rain a few days earlier. I almost missed these two because they were hidden under the ground cover in the flowerbed. I enjoy seeing the individuality of […]
The other day I was working on our patio flowerbed – pulling weeds, cutting back our Lily of the Valley and trimming the miniature rose bush – in preparation for colder weather and noticed this rose. It was so pretty that I brought it indoors so I could see it closeup for a few days. […]
~~~ Going Home from Blackworth Restaurant Wednesday, September 14 7:02 PM ~~~ Don’t miss the dog. Facing west about the same time I took the previous photo. Evening is a beautiful time when you live in the country.
~~~ Wednesday Evening, September 14 5 PM ~~~ This is a fairly new restaurant in Lititz – in the old Wilbur Chocolate Factory. I was glad Deb chose this because we had never been there. The live fire grill was across the room from us. I was testing the lighting because of the window in […]
~~~ Sunday, September 11 ~~~ There were a variety of flower arrangements on the “Share the Harvest” table at church this week. This is the one that we have been enjoying.