Enhanced by Sunshine and Something to Ponder
~~~ Something to Ponder ~~~
Rest in the Lord and be willing to wait for Him. Psalm 37:7 (NLV)
~~~ Something to Ponder ~~~
The other morning when on a short walk – before it got too hot to be outside – I decided to check on the soybean field. This is what I see when standing at the end of our driveway – a soybean field directly in front of me and a cornfield on either side. I […]
~~~ Something to Ponder ~~~
If you follow my blog, you will remember Saturday, August 3 when a tree fell on our house during a fierce storm. We are grateful the damage wasn’t worse, but it still took time to get everything back to normal. There were calls to Rohrer Bros (house repair), All Season Tree Service (tree removal), Mountainside […]
I made an interesting discovery on my short morning walk today when capturing a picture of this weed flower. When I saw it, I thought, “What a pretty little flower.” It has been especially fun to use my phone app “Picture This” to learn about the flowers and weeds that surround our property. I learned […]
~~~ Sunday, August 11 Noon ~~~ Waylon, Diana, Bennett, Donovan and Sierra We started with pictures of their family because Sierra was awake. Sierra is our youngest great grandchild – until October when we expect a Tennesse great granddaughter. What a cute crew. We celebrated Diana’s birthday (while Sierra slept). After our Two Cousin’s Restaurant […]
It was good to see a pretty flicker at our feeders after our yard (and house) were ravished, soaked, and thrashed by the rain and wind – mostly from Hurricane Debby. Some of our shepherd hooks and birdfeeders are lying in the yard waiting for the spouting to be completed. We ended up removing several […]
We were delighted when Diana (their mom) texted me to see if we were available for a few hours the next day. I checked our schedule, and yes, we were. She had an appointment for their baby sister Sierra. Waylon looked at the camera, but Bennett preferred playing. These two are so much fun.
~~~ Sunday, August 4 ~~~ Our Sunday School Class at White Oak was invited to an indoor picnic in the church fellowship hall – by the Helping Hands Class. Each of our Sunday school classes is by age. We are the oldest, so they planned a lot of fun things for us to do to […]
Facebook We love you! Grandpa and Grandma High
When I saw a horse and buggy going by our house on Sunday morning, I grabbed my camera to see how tall the corn is this year. Last year I could see the top of the horse’s head, but not this year. The corn is too tall. They are on a road. Our area has […]
~~~ Friday Evening, August 2 ~~~ Before going to the house, we went to Nathaniel’s new, large shop. It makes a great place for bikes and scooters – especially when Aunt Adrielle is there. Anthony, Renee, Adrielle, with Jazzy pushing. Natalie When arriving at the house we met their new kittens. Nathaniel had just begun […]
~~~ Wednesday, July 31 Knight and Day Restaurant, Ltitz, PA ~~~ We had a large group this time. We counted 29. I took photos from several directions so those who could not be there can see their cousins. Our Knight and Day waiter did an amazing job of serving us.
~~~ Saturday, August 3 ~~~I I am going to back up a bit to a previous rain and windstorm that happened earlier in the week. Our son Jeff came to our place about 9:45 am yesterday (Saturday) to remove a few large branches that fell from that storm. I took this picture about 3:44 pm […]
~~~ Tuesday, July 30 ~~~ This was a birthday gift to our thirteen Pennsylvania great grandchildren for the year 2024. There are four others who will receive something special when they visit from Maine, Tennessee and California. It takes a bit of scheduling to find a day that suits us, five granddaughters, a daughter, and […]