Moods of a Sunrise and Something to Ponder
~~~ Something to Ponder ~~~
Rest in the Lord and be willing to wait for Him. Psalm 37:7 (NLV)
~~~ Something to Ponder ~~~
~~~ January 21 ~~~ It was about two-and-a-half weeks early, but Mark and Diane were here from Maine, so Cerwin treated us to a delicious meal at one of my favorite restaurants. Left to right: Me, Cerwin, Roy, Deb, Jeff, Mark, Diane, Kristen and Jere. We think that the last time we were here for […]
This set of leaves amazed me. They ended up here during a windstorm last fall – in the dogwood tree on our patio. They are definitely not dogwood leaves, but probably from one of our hickory trees. Their kryptonite – the thing that weakened them – was the winter rain and wind of last week. […]
~~~ Sunday, January 21 ~~~ It was fun having Mark and Diane here for an extra day after Jordan and Nicole’s wedding. We chose to play a few table games on Sunday afternoon. First, we enjoyed a game of Rook, which none of us had played in a long time. They had to teach us […]
Rainy day raindrop Carolina Wren Downy Woodpecker ~~~ Something to Ponder ~~~
~~~ Saturday, January 6 ~~~ It’s a warm, rainy day (56 degrees) in Pennsylvania today, January 26, so it is fun going back twenty days to remember the snow of January 6. ~~~ Something to Ponder ~~~
We were delighted to add a new granddaughter to our family on Saturday, January 20. It was the day after a snowstorm. However, roads were open “mostly” and we didn’t hear of anyone who could not get to the wedding through the snow-covered back roads to Osbornia Farm, Quarryville, PA. We arrived about an hour […]
(19) Facebook We love you! Great Grandpa and Great Grandma High
~~~ Thursday Morning, January 18 ~~~ This is something I usually do about this time of year as part of my birthday celebration, so when Lydia (granddaughter) and Diane (daughter) invited me to go with them, I began the celebration three weeks early. It was a great way for the three of us to […]
Facebook We love you! Great Grandpa and Great Grandma High
~~~ Photos from Saturday, January 6 ~~~ ~~~ Something to Ponder ~~~
~~~ Wednesday, January 17 ~~~ Bunny, Peg, Cerwin, Sam, Jeff, Kathy and Inge. It had been three months since we saw most of these TFC friends. We were delighted to see Jeff Martin and catch up on his life. His wife Ruth passed away suddenly last year. She was often part of our quarterly lunches. […]
It was a cold day, but we (Diane, Lydia and I) were determined to get in some shopping before a day of snow. Cerwin wasn’t quite as determined as the ladies, but he was a willing driver for Diane and me. Lydia came from southern Lancaster County. First, we went to Blessings of Hope (each […]
~~~ Saturday Morning, January 6 ~~~ ~~~ Something to Ponder ~~~
It’s not often that I am captured by sunlight on manure being spread on the field below our house. I took these pictures at 9:51 am on Friday, January 5 before the ground was snow-covered.