Suet Was the Birds Choice
~~~ Saturday, November 19 ~~~ Apparently these three agreed to share one suet. It’s unusual to have so many birds agree to share one suet.
Rest in the Lord and be willing to wait for Him. Psalm 37:7 (NLV)
~~~ Saturday, November 19 ~~~ Apparently these three agreed to share one suet. It’s unusual to have so many birds agree to share one suet.
~~~ Thursday, November 24 ~~~ We were blessed to be part of our congregation’s Thanksgiving Day service where 33 people gave testimony of God’s goodness and faithfulness to them in 2022. Microphones are placed on stands at two parts of the sanctuary to make it easy for anyone to give a testimony. THere was also […]
I love to see the contrast between sunsets and bare tree branches. These closeups are from our crepe myrtle bush.
~~~ Wednesday, November 23 ~~~ As far as I can tell, there are two squirrel nests on our property, with many more in the woodlot behind us. This one is toward the back of our lot. This one is in the front yard – in a tree close to the road. This nest could fit […]
~~~ Tuesday, November 22 ~~~ I can hear a few of you asking, “So what’s the big deal about a garbage truck stopped at your driveway?” It is a big deal to me as we only began having garbage pickup this past summer. It is part of us trying to eliminate extra work from our […]
~~~ Friday, November 18 ~~~ I love looking out one of our southeastern windows and seeing the morning sunshine on our decorative grass. Ian messaged me a day earlier to ask if he could bring his friend Ryleigh to meet us. We knew about this friendship and were anxious to meet her. It was fun […]
~~~ Thursday Evening, November 17 ~~~ This birthday group (Jordan, Nicole, Zach and Gloria) chose The Mill for their 2022 birthday dinner. Cerwin and I arrived early and were seated at our reserved table in the basement. I like unusual mixes of fruit juices, so the Cran-Pear Cooler got my attention. It included cranberry juice, […]
~~~ Thursday, November 17 Jenna, Jade and Drake ~~~ Our granddaughter Jenna messaged me earlier in the week, asking if there was a day that suited us for her to bring the children and visit a bit. We settled on Thursday morning. She came bearing gifts. Items that she makes so people can purchase them […]
~~~ Wednesday, November 16 ~~~ The birds have been extra busy since cold weather hit our area. Downy Woodpeckers Nuthatches These two (house finch and nuthatch) weren’t sure they liked being so close to each other. Tufted Titmouse and house finch Juncos
~~~ Tuesday, November 15 6:32 am ~~~
~~~ Tuesday, November 15 ~~~ Nancy messaged me a day earlier, saying she was in the mood for a sister day. Now that is a great message to receive on a Monday morning. She was originally going to stop in for me, but their car ended up in the garage, so I was the […]
~~~ Sunday Evening, November 13 6:00 pm ~~~ Abby our granddaughter and Nate’s wife, wrote this birthday message on the walk that enters their farmhouse. Following a delicious supper – steak on the grill, mac and cheese, green beans, deep fried cauliflower and pickles – Anthony and Abby lit the candles. It looks like there […]
~~~ Saturday, November 12 ~~~ After leaving the craft show and taking pictures of the covered bridge (two previous posts), we stopped to see Sam Rittenhouse and his new living quarters. He moved from his house in Lansdale to a room at his daughter Debbie and son-in-law Lanny’s house. It’s nice for us, because he […]
~~~ Saturday, October 12 ~~~ As we were driving away from the craft show on Saturday, the lighting on the water under the covered bridge caught my attention. This is located just across the driveway from the Farm Show Exhibit Hall where the vendors were located (see previous post). We were early for our next […]
~~~ Saturday, November 12 Manheim Farm Show Exhibit Hall ~~~ It’s always fun to go to the craft shows in this exhibit hall – partly because we know many of the vendors. This was how I convinced Cerwin to go along – food! He was talking to a friend while waiting on his food. This […]